Got Energy?!

Are you Dog Tired??!

Do you feel like this everyday??! Energy is defined as the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. In other words, energy is integral to what sustains us and gives us vitality. Everyone needs energy but many of us lack it!!!

Every time something gets warm, cools down, moves, grows, makes a sound or changes in any way, it uses energy. Science classifies energy into two categories –kinetic (moving) and potential (stored) energy.

For example, the food a person eats contains chemical energy, and a person’s body stores this energy until he or she uses it as kinetic energy during work or play.2

Energy can change between potential and kineticSuzanne's Solutions

Water at the top of a waterfall has stored potential energy but as the water begins to fall, it changes from potential to kinetic energy. When we create energy from hydro power, we harness the kinetic energy of the water for our own use. 1

Radiant energy is another type of kinetic energy that includes visible light, X-rays, electromagnetic energy and radio waves.

flexibility mobility stress

Nikken helps you boost your kinetic energy with advanced magnetic and ceramic reflective fiber technologies. The Energy Pack is composed of Kenko (Japanese for “health”) and KenkoTherm products that incorporate these technologies. The Energy Pack is essential to an Active Wellness lifestyle and is designed to support your maximum mobility and overall physical well-being.

Who Can Benefit?

Couch Potatoes – Athletes – Weekend Warriors and those who are on their feet all day! Whether you’re a performance-driven competitor or simply need to help soothe muscular and joint discomfort, the Energy Pack contains just the right product sampling to keep you on the Active Wellness path.

I am able to offer Free shipping now through Aug 31st. Click here to get the extra savings!



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