Dream Fulfilled!

dream focus entrepreneurs goals

Pursuing the Dream!

“Nurtured over a lifetime and realized in an instant”

WOW, have you been watching the Olympic Games?? They’ve been amazing! A dream realized by so many! Inspiring stories of the athletes and their support teams (families, friends, coaches and teammates). We were fortunate to see yesterday’s  broadcast of the women’s cross country race where Kikkan Randall & Jesse Diggins won Gold! You WILL get in the spirit by listening to the announcer call the race…

achievement Olympics success dream
click to watch!

Are you reaching for your “Gold”?

Do you have a dream that you’ve been reaching towards? Are you an athlete striving to achieve a new personal best?  Looking to reach that healthy weight?  Saving enough money for your child go to college? Having enough time and energy to enjoy  loved ones? Making enough money to give to freely to those important projects in your community? Having a day or week without discomfort? Is life and other responsibilities getting in the way of you attaining it? Or are You getting in your own way? Regardless of what it is…

I believe you can reach it….Do you?

success goal embrace positive mental attitude dream

Success…A Progression

Most noteworthy is a quote from Napoleon Hill to help you continue your journey:

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal”. 

First of all, I love this quote because it’s says success doesn’t happen in a day! Also, it’s focused on something that’s worthy. Therefore, if you are striving for a dream that is worthy of YOU, you ARE successful!

mind attitude healthy mind success dream

Over the last 21 years of personal development I have been introduced to many programs, people and ideas that have helped me stay on course. In addition, I’ve read dozens of book and listened to thousands of hours on cassettes, CDs and youTube. A key is, I’ve been open to continue that search  and listen to the new ideas shared.

I recently stumbled across an article with a focus to start your day so you can reach for your “Gold”.    Please reach out if you’d like me to send it to you! Most of all, make today your best day ever!

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