Monday Night is Movie Night – Get Grounded

movie grounded watch

Monday night is Movie Night!

Have plans Monday evening?? I hope not! Get Grounded from the comfort of your own easy chair – you’ll be amazed and inspired by the hour and 10 mins you invest….so plan on skipping Jeopardy for one night only!

Listen to Dr. Laura Koniver share the benefits of grounding:

Don’t know what grounding is? Click Here

impact lives

Grab your Pad and Pen

Why Pad and Pen for a movie night ?? Because this amazing move will cause you to start thinking of people you need to share this information with!

So….BYOPC (Bring your own Popcorn) and clear your schedule Monday night from 7:30-8:45PM and watch The Grounded a powerful movie with me!

Click on the ticket below at 7:25PM tomorrow to watch!

grounded movie ticket

Share the FB event

If you don’t join us…. you may never know how much you can positively impact someone’s life.

grounded dogs






Get Grounded…the Secret to a Better Today!

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

More than a Big Magnet

You might have “Been Grounded” as a teenager,  but do you get grounded to feel better? Is it possible the Earth holds the key to a Better today AND tomorrow? Can we get back that vital energy of our youth? Is it as simple as putting our feet back on the ground and running around?

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

Remembering the Old Days

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

Think back a couple of decades (or more)….going outside to play…for hours?! Did you quickly get tired or did someone yell to get you inside after it turned dark?!!  Right – they had to yell or ring the bell !! Could this be part of the secret to feeling better today?? Could it be we were getting naturally energized just by being outside?

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

  The New Normal

Now many children spend more time indoors on devices or watching TV away from the healing energy of the Earth…Yes, I said Healing Energy of the Earth! Children are experiencing now more degenerative diseases than 20 years ago. Is there a correlation? We as adults carry device(s) with us all day.  Many of us go from house to car to office and reverse the order at the end of the day…feeling tired and stressed — and will “relax” with a device on our lap as we watch a show or two.

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

The Solution – Grounding/Earthing

Yesterday, it was 43 degrees and I sat down in the yard and put my bare feet and hands on the ground…After a few minutes I felt a tingling throughout my body.  It felt great! There are simple,  ways you can ground yourself. Earthing or getting grounded has been gaining ground over the last several years(pun intended !) 

What does it do?

“Earthing restores and maintains the human body’s most natural state, which in turn promotes optimum health and functionality in daily life.” ~ Dr. James L. Oschman (Foreward of Earthing the most important health discovery ever?)

Here are a few benefits:

  • Helps Lowers Stress
  • Improves Sleep
  • Improves overall well-being
  • Protection from Harmful EMFs

Learn more – read the first 46 pages of the book:

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

Newest addition to the Wellness Home!

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

After over 43 years of bringing nature indoors through our Wellness Home Solutions, Nikken has just introduced the Kenko Ground — helping connect us with the earth – to release the excess voltage and protect us from the harmful EMF’s.  It’s a great solutions for when it’s too cold to go outside or you are inside a lot. The portable, well-designed pad is designed for humans and animals of all ages – to bring support and benefits to all!

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

Get Grounded

So what are you waiting for???

Earthing Grounding EMF

You’ll be so glad you did!

Get Grounded Earthing Grounding EMF

Got Energy?!

Are you Dog Tired??!

Do you feel like this everyday??! Energy is defined as the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. In other words, energy is integral to what sustains us and gives us vitality. Everyone needs energy but many of us lack it!!!

Every time something gets warm, cools down, moves, grows, makes a sound or changes in any way, it uses energy. Science classifies energy into two categories –kinetic (moving) and potential (stored) energy.

For example, the food a person eats contains chemical energy, and a person’s body stores this energy until he or she uses it as kinetic energy during work or play.2

Energy can change between potential and kineticSuzanne's Solutions

Water at the top of a waterfall has stored potential energy but as the water begins to fall, it changes from potential to kinetic energy. When we create energy from hydro power, we harness the kinetic energy of the water for our own use. 1

Radiant energy is another type of kinetic energy that includes visible light, X-rays, electromagnetic energy and radio waves.

flexibility mobility stress

Nikken helps you boost your kinetic energy with advanced magnetic and ceramic reflective fiber technologies. The Energy Pack is composed of Kenko (Japanese for “health”) and KenkoTherm products that incorporate these technologies. The Energy Pack is essential to an Active Wellness lifestyle and is designed to support your maximum mobility and overall physical well-being.

Who Can Benefit?

Couch Potatoes – Athletes – Weekend Warriors and those who are on their feet all day! Whether you’re a performance-driven competitor or simply need to help soothe muscular and joint discomfort, the Energy Pack contains just the right product sampling to keep you on the Active Wellness path.

I am able to offer Free shipping now through Aug 31st. Click here to get the extra savings!



Healthy Summer Hair Care: Get the Chlorine Out!

Got Healthy Summer Hair?

healthy summer hair

Is healthy summer hair important to you?? Summertime is here….does your hair look like this??!! Most of us spend more time outdoors during the summer months, and hair takes a beating from being exposed to sun, wind and chlorine.  Effective hair care requires a good shampoo and conditioner, but what about the water used to wash our hair?

healthy summer hair healthy water shower

Unfiltered water generally contains sediment, minerals and chemicals (such as chlorine) purported to clean the water system. None of these things is helpful in maintaining clean hair and a healthy scalp.

Solution for Healthy Hair – Part 1:

healthy summer hair chlorine free shower healthy water

Enter the PiMag MicroJet® Shower System. We normally think of water filters only in terms of clean drinking water, but the PiMag MicroJet Shower System effectively reduces chlorine exposure and makes shower water comparable in quality to filtered drinking water.

Swimming Pool side affects:

bad hair chlorine damage healthy summer hair

Year-round swimmers know what chlorine can do to hair. Depending on your natural hair color, ongoing chlorine exposure may transform it to various shades of yellow, green or blue while drying it out to the consistency of hay. Chlorine also tends to fade hair dye and highlights, increasing the cost of color maintenance. In a nutshell, the damage chlorine does to hair costs a lot of money to fix, and too much time if you decide to use the “grow it out and cut it off” method.

Save money!

save money

It’s so much more cost-effective and practical to install the PiMag MicroJet® Shower System, which is far superior to other chlorine-reduction systems.

For you technical wizards – here’s how:

  • Most other chlorine-reduction shower filters trap part of the chlorine or add other chemicals to counteract it (fighting poison with poison, so to speak). The PiMag MicroJet uses a reduction/oxidation process to convert free-radical chlorine ions to neutral chlorides. In addition, Nikken Magnetic Technology helps condition water without salt or other chemical additives. The magnetic field assists in reducing clumping to reduce mineral buildup.
  • Even more effective filtration is achieved by patent-pending Air-Induction Technology, which injects air into the shower stream to create a higher air-to-water ratio. The result is a water stream that is less viscous and has less surface tension so it passes through the nozzle with decreased resistance, which helps maintain water pressure without requiring a higher flow rate.
    • The PiMag MicroJet® nozzle releases streams of microbubbles within the water flow, producing an effective cleansing action that penetrates surface buildup of dirt and helps moisturize skin and scalp so they feel fresh and soft.

Here’s a short video for you visual learners!

Good tips for Healthy Hair:

  • Once you have washed your hair, try rinsing it out with cold water. The cold temperature constricts hair cuticles and makes the strands smoother and more reflective. It also prevents dirt from accumulating on the scalp and helps strength hair. The cold water rinse may leave your hair looking glossier and shinier.
  • Before swimming, wet your hair with cold water so that it has already absorbed clean water and will then soak up less of the salt or chlorinated water. (Chlorine and salt water make hair frizzy.)
  • After swimming, if you stay out in the sun or delay going to the shower, coat your hair with True Elements® Conditioner, as it will help prevent damage.
  • Use True Elements® Shampoo and Conditioner regularly all year round and wash more frequently during summer months. They won’t strip hair of its natural oils or hurt the scalp’s protective barrier. Non-irritating to sensitive skin, True Elements® Hair Care does NOT contain commonly used chemical ingredients found in many name brands.
  • Bring True Elements® Shampoo and Conditioner with you to the gym, the pool, and the beach.
  • Drink lots of water. Dehydration has a direct impact on hair growth, and lack of hydration produces dry and brittle hair. It also may decrease the rate of growth.

Ready for the Summer sun now??!!! 

I am!

Hydration – save on Shipping 3 days only!

Drinking plenty of water is extremely important and highly underrated even though dehydration is common and may have frightening consequences. Since 50 to 70 percent of our body mass is composed of water, including skin, tissues, cells and organs1, water is essential for Active Wellness. When dehydration occurs, the body does not have enough water for its basic vital functions.

Watch out for these symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration2:

  • Increased thirst with dry mouth
  • Unusual feelings of fatigue or sleepiness
  • Decrease or lack in urine output
  • Headache
  • Dry skin
  • Dizziness
  • Tearlessness
  • Constipation
  • Leg cramps

Symptoms of severe dehydration include2:

  • Lightheadedness that stops you from standing or walking normally
  • Drop in blood pressure (can lead to shock)
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Fever
  • Poor skin elasticity
  • Lethargy and/or confusion
  • Actually passing out or blacking out
  • Swollen hands, feet and legs

Our bodies lose water daily through perspiration, breathing and the entire digestive/excretion process. We naturally replenish these losses through the consumption of food and beverages, but depending on individual diets, may not hydrate enough. The Institute of Medicine advises men to drink three liters (101 fluid ounces) of water per day and for women, 2.2 liters 74 fluid ounces).

During the summer months, we tend to perspire more and lose even more water throughout the day. That means the skin is working harder, and we need to replenish the body’s largest organ by drinking more water. Water not only keeps the skin hydrated but also helps skin stay soft and supple, which decreases the appearance of wrinkles by plumping up the cells. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling.

Drinking enough water helps increase our metabolic rate and improves the digestive system’s ability to flush toxins out of the body. This in turn helps produce healthy and glowing skin by reducing breakouts and acne. Unfortunately, water will reach all the other organs before it reaches the skin3, so it’s important to hydrate the skin on the outside as well. That’s where a great moisturizer like True Elements® Nourishing Face Cream with hyaluronic acid helps skin hold water in. Hyaluronic acid is believed to hold 1,000 times its own weight in water, thus attracting water to the skin and holding it there.4

Staying hydrated is good for the health and helps us maintain our youthful looks! And the PiMag® Sport Bottle lessens the amount of plastic we add to our overflowing landfills.

July 3, 5 and 6  get free ground shipping on the Hair & Skin Care Pack (item 18000) and the PiMag® Sport Bottle (Item 13501) in Canada and the 48 contiguous states when you order them together. Orders must be called in so please reach out to me to get them placed!


3, 4

Experiencing Awe – How can it help

Do you experience awe on a regular basis?

Can you remember the last time you were in Awe?? Was it something someone did? Were you in a place of such natural beauty that took your breath away? Just reading this and thinking about the last time you felt that feeling — are you reliving it? Feels pretty good, huh??!!

Many books, blogs, and sayings are devoted to being grateful; however, awe is something that I believe brings your energy up just like gratitude and gives me an added peaceful feeling.

I just read from a wonderful book that I’ve mentioned before on my website, “Open Mind Woman’s Daily Inspiration for Becoming Mindful” by Diane Mariechild. Today’s quote and her passage about it struck me to write my thoughts to you. Here it is:

“Holy Spirit, come into my heart, by your power I journey to you, God, and grant me charity with awe… ” Saint Catherine of Siena

Saint Catherine of Siena, a woman of humble birth, became an illumined teach, powerful writer, an incomparable orator, and a counselor of princes and pontiffs. The quote is part of a prayer she wrote after she miraculously learned to write. Her heart opened to a greater power and she acknowledged that it was through this greater power she was able to make this inner journey. She was praying for and acknowledging this gift of charity, which is love. She asked that this great love be filled with awe.

One of my favorite Lily Tomlin characters is Trudy, the bag lady. Trudy suggests that we practice “awe-robics,” by taking time each day to appreciate something such as the beauty of the stars. Trudy says we’re closest to understanding when we are in awe of what we don’t understand. may our hearts open to a love that is awesome.

So after reading the above passage are you smiling?  Last night there were a number of owls calling to each other in our back yard. I grabbed the cellphone and went out to the deck to record them. I was in awe by the beautiful stars in the sky AND those owls! It instantly brought my energy, vibration and joy up a number of notches!

I also experienced awe yesterday while sitting in the North church in Portsmouth – listening to a beautiful free concert done by 3 talented musicians, The Larksong Trio. Leaving the hustle and bustle of looking for a parking spot on a summer day to shifting to a quiet, serene church, sitting  on a seat built in 1712 and hearing the joyful sounds coming from the musicians.

Oh yeah….I’m sure many of us across the US were in awe as we watched either live or on TV the full eclipse!

Do you practice “Awe-robics” on a regular basis??  I dare you to start! Try it and let me know your experiences!

Why Omega-3?

What’s the scoop with Omega-3??

(This is from a Nikken Blog post – August 15, 2017)

The “3” in Omega-3 refers to the three major types of fatty acids that are found in food and used by our bodies. They are: ALA-alpha-linolenic acid, EPA-eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA-dicosahexaenoic acid. Once consumed, the human body converts ALA to EPA and DHA. Because the human body can create EPA and DHA in this way, they are not considered essential fatty acids. On the other hand, ALA cannot be produced by the human body and is considered an essential fatty acid that needs to be obtained from the diet. Omega-3s are important components of virtually all cell membranes, so having a balance of these fatty acids are necessary to maintain good health.

ALA is found in land-based plant foods, especially nuts, seeds, soybeans, green leafy vegetables, and some refined oils like walnut and flax seed oil. Since EPA and DHA are found in so few food types, when you hear people say omega-3 fatty acids, they are almost always referencing alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).1

Due to the many reported health benefits, many healthcare professionals recommend daily supplements, whether they’re omega vegetarian capsules made from algae, from fish oil (salmon, mackerel, anchovies, tuna, etc.), or from a crustacean (krill). For those with shellfish allergies, krill oil should be avoided.

Known as a primary source of omegas, supplements made from fish oil are by far the cheapest. Given how polluted the oceans are, fish oils can be contaminated with a variety of toxins. The process of detoxifying fish oils increases the oxidation and diminishes the omega and nutrient content. In addition, the world’s fish supply is diminishing in direct contrast to the increasing toxic load of the fish.

Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils have been identified as being especially important. An omega supplement must offer all three of these oils to be of greatest value. The importance of supplementation with omega fatty acids for heart health and brain health2  is in direct conflict with the risk of ingesting toxins through fish oils.

There is a Solution!!!

Nikken has been aware of this dichotomy for years. The answer is Kenzen® Omega Green+DHA. The plant sourced omega fatty acids for Kenzen Omega Green + DHA are cranberry seed oil, flax seed oil and red algae, each of which is easily renewable.

  • Cranberry seed oil contains naturally occurring substances called phytosterols that structurally resemble the human body’s cholesterol. Phytosterols reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) but do not affect HDL (good cholesterol). Eating foods with phytosterols may cut the risk for heart disease when consumed as part of a healthy eating plan, according to the Cleveland Clinic. 3 Cranberry seed oil is considered unique among fixed oils because it contains a very high essential fatty acid profile in addition to a high antioxidant load. 4
  • Flax seed oil contains ALA and has been advocated to combat cardiovascular disease. The use of flax seed oil as a nutritional intervention for the prevention of heart disease has received increasing amounts of research attention. 5
  • Red algae has been used for thousands of years as a food source, especially in Asian cultures. It is high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are easily utilized by the human body to help boost the immune system and nourish skin.  The main benefits of red algae are its ability to promote healthy circulation in the body, to help regulate blood sugar levels and to help lower bad cholesterol levels. High in dietary fiber, it is also a rich source of calcium and magnesium so it contributes to bone health.6

Consuming Kenzen® Omega Green+DHA gives you all the benefits of an omega supplement and none of the risks. It helps carnivores, vegetarians and vegans to obtain the right balance of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 for Active Wellness without the risk associated with fish oil toxins.

Get what your body needs without the taste of fish AND it is good for vegans and vegetarians alike!

Until 5:00 PM PST, August 22, 2017. Place a minimum order of two bottles and receive 75 Reward Points (redeemable after August 24th on other Nikken Solutions!!!!)  Each additional order of two or more bottles will generate additional 75 Reward Points!) These points can be used on purchases and aren’t valid toward shipping or tax and are good for 6 months! It’s a thank you gift for taking that step towards better health…by allowing you to add another Self Care solution!








Does Fast Food = Fat Food?

Is there a healthier way to get “Fast Food”?

The fast food industry appeals to our two primary tastes: salty and sweet. That’s why fast food contains so much added sugar (in its many forms) and salt. The same holds true for pre-packaged fast food, the kind you pop in the microwave. So what happens when we eat lots of fast food?

  • Hydrogenated oils are a source of trans fat, which is shown to be negative for human health in many ways. Trans fat occurs during food processing and is commonly found in fried foods, pastries, pizza dough, crackers and pre-packaged food. It is also in the oil that many restaurants use to cook French fries, chips and more. Eating foods that contain trans fat can increase LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower HDL (good) cholesterol and increase the risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.1
  • The Obesity Action Coalition(OAC) reports that the number of fast food restaurants in America has doubled since 1970. The number of obese Americans has also doubled.

This is too much of a coincidence…do you agree???

  • Fast foods like bacon burgers, some fried foods and milkshakes can be high in saturated fats. “It’s been long established that saturated fats can negatively impact the heart, but there’s also research that suggests high saturated fat intake may negatively impact brain function and memory,” says Marissa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD.She adds that higher intakes of saturated fatty acids may impair memory speed and flexibility and prospective memory (your ability to remember to do what you intended).
  • Many fast-food meals have added sugar. Not only does that mean extra calories, but also little nutrition. The American Heart Association suggests only eating 100 to 150 calories of added sugar per day. That’s about six to nine teaspoons. A 12-ounce can of soda contains eight teaspoons of sugar. That equals 130 calories, 39 grams of sugar and nothing else.

  • Frequent soda intake can lead to poor oral health, says Leah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN. Drinking large amounts of soda increases the amount of acid in your mouth, which eventually causes tooth decay and cavities. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the cheap sweetener most fast food restaurants use in their sodas, desserts, and many other products. Princeton University researchers linked HFCS consumption to obesity in an animal study. 3
  • The combination of fat, sugar, and lots of sodium (salt) can make fast food tastier to some people. But diets high in sodium can lead to water retention, which is why you may feel puffy, bloated, or swollen after eating fast food. 4
  • Some foods naturally contain higher amounts of sodium, but sodium is also added to many fast-food products. Some of these additives are monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrite, sodium saccharin, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and sodium benzoate, which are used as flavoring or preservatives. Sodium can contribute to existing high blood pressure or an enlarged heart muscle. If you have congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, or kidney disease, too much salt can contribute to a dangerous buildup of fluid. A high sodium intake can cause your bones to weaken, leading to possible osteoporosis. The American Heart Association recommends adults eat no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. One fast-food meal could have half your day’s worth.

The good news is that palates can be trained. Once you consistently eat fresh, healthy whole foods and wean off fast foods, your body should start craving fruit instead of sugary sweets, and the desire for extra salt also abates. Nikken’s Everyday Organic Weight Management System -is easy, fast, tastes great and IS GOOD for you!

Insights from a nutritionist – starting at 14:40:

To learn more about these products click on the images below to visit my shop, if you have any questions feel free to contact me here.


Nikken Protein weight management shake organic moringa kosher non-gmo MCT monk fruit

organic matcha green tea natural caffeine energy no sugar!

Are you drinking enough water?

Are you drinking enough water?

Not drinking enough water results in multiple side effects. For example, dehydration can cause fatigue, confusion, headaches, and even grumpiness. On the extreme end, dehydration is a major risk factor for kidney stones. 1 During the summer months when we perspire more than any other time of year, it’s even more important to drink water.

The best way to stay hydrated is to make drinking water a habit all year round. People seem to be in such a hurry these days that even pausing for a water break sometimes seems to be asking too much. But once you adopt the water–drinking habit, you will likely notice an increase in your energy levels and an improvement in concentration and focus.

hydration water

How much water you need to drink daily is up for debate. According to, a common recommendation is to drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, but variations come into play—depending on health, amount of exercise and climate. Common sense dictates that the more you exercise, especially in heat, the more water you need to drink. If you‘re sick with the flu or an infection, you need to drink more water than usual. And, pregnant and breastfeeding women need to drink a lot of water with frequency.

The simplest way to ensure that you stay hydrated is to carry a water bottle. It’ll serve as a reminder to drink water throughout the day, whether you’re outdoors or sitting at your desk. Cold water can be especially refreshing and help you stay alert. Hot water, either alone or in a cup of green tea, can help calm and relax you in the evenings.

Keeping a PiMag® Sport Bottle  with you at all times is the smart way to stay hydrated as part of your Active Wellness lifestyle. You can fill it up with tap water or fountain water and the patented microfilter will automatically help remove sediment, reduce chlorine and lead. PiMag water technology adds natural minerals and helps adjust the pH value to 8.5-9.5, an alkaline range that helps counterbalance our acidic environment. In addition to its benefits to us physically, PiMag water is so much cheaper than purchased bottled water, and is environmentally responsible. The bottle itself is biodegradable and contains no BPA or other potentially harmful compounds. The filter components are replaceable, further extending the life of the bottle—by using the PiMag® Sport Bottle, you’re helping to reduce the impact on landfill waste caused by disposable water bottles.

We’re offering our readers a special on the PiMag® Sport bottle from 8:00 AM PST, July 5, 2017 until 5:00 PM PST, July 11, 2017. You can order the PiMag® Sport Bottle with 1-cent standard shipping within the contiguous 48 states and Canada. All orders must be phoned in. Additional products may not be added to the 1-cent shipping offer.

Many popular brands of bottled water are simply tap water that has been treated. The average retail price of popular bottled water products, based on a national price survey, equals $2 – $5 per gallon. PiMag water costs only a few cents per gallon. Why pay for expensive bottled water, when PiMag water costs less and is better? The PiMag® Sport Bottle is the clean, economical and intelligent alternative to commercially bottled water.

• The PiMag Sport Bottle features a unique, patented (U.S. Patent #8439205) microfilter that meets or exceeds internationally recognized filtration standards.
• PiMag Water Technology adds natural minerals and adjusts pH value to 8.5-9.5 range (alkaline) to help counterbalance a largely acidic modern environment. Corrosion-protected magnets produce a magnetic field surrounding the direction of water flow to reduce sediment agglomeration.
• Alkaline water decreases oxidation-reduction potential, or ORP. A decrease in ORP can help offset the oxidizing effect of free radicals.
• The Sport Bottle is environmentally responsible in many ways: the biodegradable bottle shell (containing no BPA or other potentially harmful compounds) eventually breaks down into natural soil nutrients.
• Filter components are replaceable, to extend the life of the bottle, further reducing the impact on landfill waste caused by disposable water bottles.

Particulates (clarity, sediment): exceeds standard
Chlorine reduction: exceeds standard
Chloramine reduction: exceeds standard
Taste and odor reduction: exceeds standard
Lead reduction: exceeds standard
VOCs : exceeds standard
MTBE: exceeds standard

PiMag Water Technology, proprietary composite filtration, environmental technology

CAPACITY: 21 ounces / 621 ml

FILTER LIFE: Up to an estimated 250 refills per filter; approximately 40 gallons or 3 months of average use.

MATERIALS: 4,200 gauss magnets, carbon and zeolite filter media, pi minerals, biodegradable and recyclable polymers

Remove cap and fill bottle with water to fill line. Replace cap, raise drinking spout and squeeze bottle. Read instructions before first use.

WARRANTY: 30-day standard limited warranty