Do you experience awe on a regular basis?
Can you remember the last time you were in Awe?? Was it something someone did? Were you in a place of such natural beauty that took your breath away? Just reading this and thinking about the last time you felt that feeling — are you reliving it? Feels pretty good, huh??!!
Many books, blogs, and sayings are devoted to being grateful; however, awe is something that I believe brings your energy up just like gratitude and gives me an added peaceful feeling.
I just read from a wonderful book that I’ve mentioned before on my website, “Open Mind Woman’s Daily Inspiration for Becoming Mindful” by Diane Mariechild. Today’s quote and her passage about it struck me to write my thoughts to you. Here it is:
“Holy Spirit, come into my heart, by your power I journey to you, God, and grant me charity with awe… ” Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of Siena, a woman of humble birth, became an illumined teach, powerful writer, an incomparable orator, and a counselor of princes and pontiffs. The quote is part of a prayer she wrote after she miraculously learned to write. Her heart opened to a greater power and she acknowledged that it was through this greater power she was able to make this inner journey. She was praying for and acknowledging this gift of charity, which is love. She asked that this great love be filled with awe.
One of my favorite Lily Tomlin characters is Trudy, the bag lady. Trudy suggests that we practice “awe-robics,” by taking time each day to appreciate something such as the beauty of the stars. Trudy says we’re closest to understanding when we are in awe of what we don’t understand. may our hearts open to a love that is awesome.
So after reading the above passage are you smiling? Last night there were a number of owls calling to each other in our back yard. I grabbed the cellphone and went out to the deck to record them. I was in awe by the beautiful stars in the sky AND those owls! It instantly brought my energy, vibration and joy up a number of notches!
I also experienced awe yesterday while sitting in the North church in Portsmouth – listening to a beautiful free concert done by 3 talented musicians, The Larksong Trio. Leaving the hustle and bustle of looking for a parking spot on a summer day to shifting to a quiet, serene church, sitting on a seat built in 1712 and hearing the joyful sounds coming from the musicians.
Oh yeah….I’m sure many of us across the US were in awe as we watched either live or on TV the full eclipse!
Do you practice “Awe-robics” on a regular basis?? I dare you to start! Try it and let me know your experiences!